President Nelson’s concluding remarks at our most recent General Conference stirred my heart and mind. He taught that another meaning of the word ‘Israel’ is “Let God Prevail”. He asked these inspiring questions: Are you willing to let God prevail in your life? Are you willing to let God be…
Dear Brothers & Sisters of the Highland Stake: Adherent to current local government guidelines, we have been authorized by Elder Dirk Driscoll, our Area Seventy, to return to ward and stake youth activities immediately. As a reminder the term “Mutual” has been discontinued, and is replaced by the more simply…
Dear Sisters and Brothers, I’ve often considered the power of invitations, especially inspired invitations such as those to serve, to minister, to make and keep sacred covenants, to be more kind, to repent, or to forgive. During our April 2020 General Conference, President Russell M. Nelson shared a number of…
Due to changing conditions around the world, an updated version of “Security Guidelines for Church Meetinghouses” is enclosed. These guidelines are meant to help educate leaders and members on how to increase safety at Church buildings and activities. We invite leaders to discuss them in ward and stake councils and…