Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Highland Stake, The 9/11 Day of Service is a federally recognized National Day of Service and Remembrance and is the largest annual charitable day of service in our country. It is anticipated that millions of people in the United States will participate this year.…
Dear Members of the Highland Stake, We received approval this morning from the County Commissioners to use the Portneuf Wellness Complex Amphitheater for our Multi-Stake Youth Concert Festival! Porteneuf Date: Saturday, August 17th Time: 8pm – 10:30pm Location: Portneuf Wellness Complex Amphitheater Details: Youth Celebration Video Concert from 8-9pm, followed by…
Stake Blood Drive The third stake-sponsored blood drive for 2024 will be held on Thursday, August 15, at the Butte building. Blood is always needed, and it is a way to serve others. You may schedule your appointment online at or contact Marie Mayes at 208-604-0598.
Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Pocatello Idaho Highland Stake, We have been authorized by the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to carry out boundary changes within this stake. Therefore, we will hold a special stake meeting on Sunday, June 23rd at 5:00 pm…
All Highland Stake youth (turning 12 this year and up to 18), please come participate in our June 2024 stake youth activity! This activity will be held on June 13th, 2024 from 7pm-9pm at the wellness complex. We will be meeting at the pavilion and will be playing volleyball and…
Dear Highland Stake Seminary Graduates, Parents, Families, Leaders and Friends, One last reminder and invitation to attend our Highland Stake Seminary Graduation Exercises tonight, Thursday, May 30th at 7pm at the Highland Stake Center located at 2140 Satterfield Drive. We ask that all graduates please arrive 30 minutes early at…
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Our stake is scheduled to convene a stake conference on May 4-5, 2024. Elder Kirt L. Hodges, of the Seventy, will preside. Stake conference is important for the instruction and edification of all members of the stake. We invite each of you to prepare spiritually for…
Dear Members of the Highland Stake, Please review the following message from Brother Bill Fullmer of the High Council regarding a service opportunity at Camp Cumorah: It’s time for our annual Camp Cumorah service project. Our assigned date is Saturday, June 1 at 9:00 am. Our assignment is to open…
Dear Friends, As we commemorate our Savior’s life, atonement and resurrection during this Holy Week and on Easter Sunday, we want to make you aware/remind you of some wonderful community and church events and opportunities. Several “Lamb of God” performances are being held, with two in Pocatello (Stephens Performing Arts…
Dear Highland Stake Friends, RootsTech (February 29–March 2, 2024), the Church’s annual family history conference, will be both in person in Salt Lake City, Utah, and online to allow all who are interested to participate. Keynote addresses and classes will be available online both during and after the conference and…