New Unit History Tool

Dear Highland Stake Members, 

From the very beginning of the restoration, we have been commanded that a record must be kept. “Behold there should be a record kept among you” (D&C 21:1). 

Until now, we previously submitted paper, then digital histories to the Church History department, which were preserved, but unable to be read or shared. We now have a new tool which allows all members to submit histories electronically through the unit history tool. Then, after leaders approve the entry, everyone can read and benefit from what was recorded.

We invite all to follow Nephi’s example, and focus our entries on spiritually uplifting and faith-promoting, testimony building experiences. Please minimize the historical details (numbers, statistics, large plates stuff) focusing on what will bring us closer to our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Unit History Tool is found at

It is no longer just the ward and stake council member’s responsibility to collect important events from the ward and stake. It is now the privilege of all members in our stake, and would be a wonderful and inspiring work for all members serving as a secretary.

Please look at this new tool, review the quick-start guide for yourself, then see how easy this will be to submit your personal, faith-promoting experiences with the ward or stake—strengthening each other’s faith in Jesus Christ. 

As President Eyring has promised, “You, and those who read your history, will be blessed as you remember what the Lord has done”.

We know that as we remember what The Lord has done for us, and those we love, we are filled with gratitude and an assurance that we are His. With this grateful awareness we can be, like Nephi, blessed in all our days—during, and between, our trials.

We invite you to please use this marvelous tool given to us to use.

Thank you,

Highland Stake Presidency