Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We hope that you had a wonderful holiday season and that all is well with you. As we approach the Sabbath tomorrow we want to invite each of you to participate in this first fast Sunday of the year by fasting with the Idaho Pocatello mission for two things. 

First, will you please include in your fasting and prayer and expression of gratitude for the miracles we have seen this year. We have had more convert baptisms in the Idaho Pocatello Mission this year than any other year in the history of the mission. The Lord has provided opportunities for many to be gathered into the covenant and we are grateful for His hand in this great work.

Second, will you please express in your fasting and prayer a humble request for more miracles to help us to be able to (1) help our friends and neighbors who are struggling to stay on the covenant path or who are not on it any longer find their way back on it and find joy in repentance and (2) to help us invite those not on the covenant path to join us in normal and natural ways by loving, sharing, and inviting. We know the Lord hears our faith filled prayers and honors those who seek His blessings through fasting.

Thank you for all the great things you do and for your faith, fasting, and prayer. We trust the Lord and know that He will hear us and respond with the things we need to help Him to gather Israel in our stake.

With Faith and Love,

The Highland Stake Presidency

President Campbell
President Sanford
President Francis