Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Highland Stake,

We as a Stake Presidency feel a great desire to invite all to come unto Christ and feel of His love and be blessed by Him. We are aware of the current world circumstances we are living in and the troubles all around in every possible element of life. In short, the global suffering of the human family seems to be increasing in every way possible and “the whole earth” seems to “be in commotion”1. We know that by inviting everyone to participate in sacred ordinances and making covenants with God, peace and hope can be found.

Recently some have asked if the Church is going to step back on our gathering together. This summer, Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught “…gathering is an especially powerful element in the doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. A central mission of the Church is to gather together the scattered family of Abraham…” and that “Through that gathering, we believe God will establish a people who are of one heart and one mind, who dwell together in righteousness and peace, and who love and care for each other so completely that no poor, spiritually or physically, are found among them.”2 Our goal therefore, in gathering together is literally to become a people that God Himself can be with.

We have great desires and responsibilities to be good citizens and neighbors but this does not require that we relinquish our religious liberty. In fact, it is in times like these that it is even more important that we gather together safely and help others to see the great importance of gathering together to worship God through ordinances and making covenants with Him. Elder Bednar concluded by saying, “Perhaps we have not fully remembered that faith and the right to exercise it are central to our identity as believers and to all that we deem good and right and worthy of protection. Now is the time for us to heed the wake-up call, to remember, and to act.”2

We support and are thankful for Governor Little’s directive order in moving our state back to Stage 3 in an effort to protect our people. This order reduces the authorized number of people at indoor gatherings to 50 and outdoor gatherings to 25% capacity. In that same directive, we also appreciate the exemptions created for essential religious gatherings in section 1.d.i:

“Gatherings for political expression – including polling locations – and religious activities are not subject to the provisions of this Section; provided, however, that gatherings for purposes of political expression and religious activities must adhere to the Physical Distancing and Sanitation Requirements in Section 3 of this Order;”3

Therefore, we have determined the following for our gatherings in our stake:

Sacrament worship services will continue in the same way we have been doing with each ward holding two sessions. In both sessions social distancing and sanitizing practices will continue. One session will be mask optional where all may attend with or without a mask, and one will be mask mandatory where everyone in attendance is required to wear a mask.

We are striving to follow what the Lord taught Nephi “he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him.”4

We have been invited by President Nelson to gather Israel. This cannot be done if we relent, “we have not come this far only to come this far.”5 Please continue to gather with your ward in the sacrament meeting session you are most comfortable. We want to provide everyone the ability to worship – minimizing fear of illness, and free of socially shaming. Please be patient and prayerful in your efforts to love each other as Christ would, inviting all to gather with us. Please be considerate, practice safe social distancing, and help to sanitize our buildings. Please, find ways to minister to each other individually, reaching out beyond technology. We need each other, and we need to be gathered together.

In our efforts to gather everyone to Christ, we have great desires to resume our second hour meetings and gatherings to strengthen faith, and lighten one another’s burdens. This desire is flanked by our citizenship on the one hand, and our rights to worship responsibly on the other. Therefore, each ward council is invited to identify how to hold second hour meetings safely and responsibly. We all long to return to gathering together in in-person meetings, but for our larger wards, virtual second-hour gatherings might be the only viable option. If in-person meetings are used: please utilize the stake calendar, follow all distancing and sanitizing guidelines, and please don’t plan things that will require another ward or group to adjust what is already in place. Let us press forward with inclusive kindness, ensuring we allow for all to come unto Him and partake of His goodness.

Regarding Children and Youth activities, each ward and youth council is authorized to plan and carry out activities which engage our children and youth in the work of salvation. Please follow current social distancing, face covering, and sanitizing practices in our youth and primary activities held weekly and monthly, respectively. Parents and leaders, please give your best time, teaching, listening, and testimony to your youth.

We love you all and have felt the love the Savior and our Heavenly Father have for each of you. We bear witness that they know each of us by name, and know our needs. They hear our prayers and have great desire to bless us in the best and right ways for our eternal progression. We are never alone. They have blessed us with the companionship of the Holy Ghost and provide direction through inspiration and revelation as we need it. We pray for all of you and trust that they will bless us all as we seek to draw near to them and invite others to join us. May we all do a little better each day to gather Israel on both sides of the veil and may we recognize the compensatory blessings that come to us as we do so. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


  1. D&C 45:26; 88:91
  2. Religious Freedom Annual Review, BYU Law School. June 17, 2020. 3. stage3_2020oct27.pdf
  3. 2 Nephi 26:23-33
  4. “A Perfect Brightness of Hope” Elder Holland, April 2020 General Conference.